Fruit Explosion 2021!
Hesse Plumcot
A solid, pink-red to red-purple plumcot, fuzzy skin, flesh orange, dense, meaty, tasting of Blenheim. Essentially, a red skinned apricot. A hybrid (NS 26-11) from the University of California at Davis in the 1950s; never released, but preserved because of its high fruit quality. Productive, flavorful, with truly intermediate fruit characters.
Hesse Plumcot
Paviot apricot
A seedling of the local Lyonnais variety hatif du Clos, raised by the nurseryman Paviot at Marcilly-d’Azergues and placed into commerce in 1882. During the following four decades it became the most generally planted apricot in the Rhone districts below Lyon, and for good reason: the quality of the fruits. Now it is an unfortunate casualty from the onslaught of mediocrity, and today’s consumers in France hardly know to ask for fruits so good. Fruits remarkably round, the stone also, deep orange when ripe, flesh melting, juicy, superb.
Paviot Apricot
Rescue Pear
A show stopper. The fruit is yellow with a bright red-orange blush and the flesh is sweet, smooth and juicy. We are growing booth of ours as espaliers. The fruit matures in September and keeps until December. Its small core makes it easy to can.
Rescue Pear