Apple Cider Vinegar

Our journey towards organic wine-making began three years ago as we planted, developed and grew out our 2 small vineyards. It is now finally starting this week!. In preparation for this, we have been emptying glass carboys being used to process batches of our own apple cider vinegar. As we transferred the apple cider vinegar into smaller jars, we were amazed with the variation in color, scent, how they each settled, and seeing the “Mother” culture that helped transform the cider to vinegar. The first two batches were light in colour and had a milder taste than the last but were delicious, nonetheless. The winning batch has to be Batch #3 though, which has an unmatched depth of colour and flavour. It smells like summer which we miss a lot right now! Overall, we put up over 50 jars (approximately 13 gallons) of beautiful, organic apple cider vinegar. These batches also held a special place in our hearts as they were made with a mix of our farm-grown organic apples and the organic apples of our late orchard mentor, Michael Phillips, who passed away suddenly in February of 2022.

Apple cider vinegars are versatile and have a myriad of uses including baking, all-natural cleaning, home remedies for colds, bug bites, and sunburns, and more! It can also be used to make a rich, dark, thick aromatic type of Balsamic Vinegar with a little extra processing. The possibilities with this organic apple cider vinegar are endless and we are excited to have an abundance! With the carboys empty, they can now be used to make organic wine. Stay tuned for updates regarding our wine-making adventures!


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