Tulips & Jonquils

Along the woodline of our property, we have approximately 1000 continuous feet of tulips and jonquils that turns into a river of flowers in the springtime. We call it our candyshop of flowers! You’ll also find pockets of tulips and daffodils along the side of the house, lining the raised beds, and in the High Tunnel Greenhouse.

Here at Goronson Farm, we also prioritize sustainable flower growing. Although jonquils will continue to spread and come up year after year, tulips have a much shorter lifespan, some only coming back for a year or two. In order to extend the use of tulips, we have planted hundreds of “Darwin” hybrids, including a beauty called “Ad Rem”, that will supposedly come back every spring for 7+ years.

Fringed tulips

We have a wide range of Narcissus including fancy jonquils, heirloom daffodils, and some that have been newly developed in Holland.

This is a video of what our flower beds looked like in Spring 2023. We imagine a little bee taking flight and weaving through the blooms. This past fall, we added an additional 1700 tulips and jonquils to continue expanding our flower “river”. Since 2014, we have planted anywhere between 500 to 1700 tulips per year to add to our collection.

Starting May 1st, the farm is open (by appointment only) for folks to tour the farm and stroll through our flower fields. We will be open Wednesdays and Fridays for our Flower CSA pickups. Bring a picnic lunch and spend some time with the beautiful blooms!

Some of our beautiful tulip and jonquil focused flower bouquets:

Our Early Bird Spring Flower CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) will begin May 1st and include a variety of these specialty tulips and jonquils - along with other seasonal spring cut flowers like Alliums, Irises, fritillaria, and more! Custom arrangements featuring these early spring flowers are also available from late April through early June.