Seed Saving on the Farm

Many know of it, and many don’t know the joys of seed saving!


In the photo above, you can see small, brown paper envelopes with the year 2020 and some funny names. These are all different seeds that we saved from our harvest this past summer.
We have a wide assortment of saved seeds ranging from many different types of tomatoes to squash, zucchini, pumpkins, and more! Some come from the heirloom seed companies we order from and some of the rarer seeds came from the USDA National Research station.

The great thing about seed saving is that is holds the same values we hold here at the Goronson Farm
- Organic
- All Natural
- Zero Waste
- Heirloom varieties

When saving our seeds for next years’ crop, we save seeds from plants that thrive the best here on our land. Next year these seeds will perform even better because those plant is accustomed to our soil, climate, and environment. So, every year that we save seeds, the plants only get stronger, better, and happier. In addition to having a more accustomed crop, we can also be positive that the seeds were grown in a 100% MOFGA-certified organic area (which we are!).

There are plenty of good things we can say about our seeds and our crop, but you can see for yourself this summer through the purchase of our CSA!

We are excited to hear about what you think seed saving has done for our crop this year when you pick up your CSA!


What’s the word? Bird!


Bees, Honey, and Pollen