The Holistic Properties of Turmeric

Last time, we talked about the amazing holistic properties of Ginger. Today, we’re discussing some of the holistic properties of Turmeric!


This year, we will begin growing Turmeric! We are very excited to be able to begin offering locally grown, organic Tumeric. If you’re still curious about what it is, we’d love to tell you so you can be just as excited as we are.

Turmeric is a warming, yellow spice that comes from the Turmeric plant. It is also called Indian Saffron or the Golden Spice. Turmeric is often found in Asia and Central America.
When we see turmeric at the grocery store in a powder, it is from the root of the plant. Ground turmeric is one of the main ingredients in curry; so you might have already tried it!

”What are some of the purported health benefits of turmeric?”

Curcumin is the active ingredient in turmeric, and it has great biological properties. Ayurvedic medicine, a traditional Indian system of treatment, recommends turmeric for a variety of health conditions like inflammation. Western medicine has begun to study turmeric as a pain reliever and healing agent.

Turmeric may help with:

- Reducing inflammation
- Improving liver function
- Digestion

“This is all fantastic, where can I find turmeric?”

Beginning in February 2021, we will start growing certified-organic turmeric. Stay tuned through our blog posts, online shopping, and social media to know exactly when we will be able to start selling our turmeric!


The Grapes of Goronson


What’s the word? Bird!